So, we got some chickens a few weeks ago. 4 to be exact. Two Rhode Island Reds, and two brown chickens. They're names are Spazz and Silflay (the reds), and Thistle and Boxcar (the browns).
Our friend Rowan was visiting the weekend we decided to pick them up. The coop at been ready for a week or so, but we wanted to make sure everything was perfectly in place and their run had only been finished for a day or two.
We got the chickens from a farm on the west end of the island. It seemed like a great farm, with a great selection over the phone. But when we got there, we really got the runaround. They had told me over the phone that adult chickens were 5 dollars each, but when we got there, they upped the price to 7, and refused to sell us the type we had asked for over the phone (these pretty chickens called Barred Rocks).
I almost didn't even want to bother, but we had driven almost 2 hours to get there, and once we got out to the barn, i knew I had to buy at least a few.
In the doorway, layed a dead white laying hen, Rowan almost stepped on her on the way in. The barn had no light or windows, and each small pen had two hens and a rooster of different breeds. The pen with the white laying hens, was very overcrowded, and most of the hens were missing all their feathers on their necks from pecking eachother. We walked past another dead white hen sitting on a table. The barn smelled awful, and seemed like it had never been cleaned. Through a hallway, we could see their "mink farm" operation. Little baby minks in tiny, large gauge wire pens. The lady also had what she called a "pet fox". which was a fox in a chicken pen (which were also made of very large-gauge wire, not comfortable for walking on at all, with no hay). He was all alone in there in the dark, and i felt so bad for him. We took our four chickens (two of them were missing feathers from being pecked at by the roosters), and got outta there as quick as we could.
I'd like to go back to that farm and free some of those animals. Or maybe report them. I'm not sure how legal their operation would be, but then again, I know that factory farming is worse, yet it's legal.
Never-the-less, we now have 4 chickens who have a good home. The two browns seem to lay pretty regularly, the Reds, not so much. I think they're pretty old. the lady lied and told us they were a year or two. I should have known better than to believe her. Regardless, they'll live a happy life with us, and hopefully die of old age.