I'm really happy with where life is heading these days. I can honestly say I haven't been this happy in a long time. Lots of friends, love, and good times.
I found a new job, in record time i might add. It's kind of the best job ever. Bartending at my favorite bar, Baba's. It's like, if there were an awesome job to score in Charlottetown, this would be it. I'm really nervous, but excited as well. I start on Monday, and i really can't wait.
Also, Piston's getting his staples out on monday! Matt's taking him, since i have to work (which is very sweet of him, i might add). He's been healing up really well, and is eager to start getting back to normal. He's able to jump up on the couch now, lay on both of his sides, and we've even started taking short walks the past few days. Today, we tried going up the stairs. He had a few little slips going up, but he's great at going down. Once the staples come out, we'll try it again. But for now, it's better just to leave it be i think.
My friend Zach is visiting right now from Albany, NY. It's so great to see him. We've had a pretty busy weekend. Thursday was a potluck at janette and lonnies, friday was the nude beach with a bunch of folks (where i got possibly the worst sunburn of my life!), followed by some coincidental neighborhood park party directly behind our house (featuring a bouncy castle, and free hotdogs, icecream, and cookies!). Today we went to the Farmer's Market, then a few of us went bowling. I'm pretty wiped.
Everything is just sort of feeling on the right track these days. I'm pretty content. Life's totally good right now, and it's really refreshing.
Hi there! I have 2 questions for you! How is the nude beach? I live on the island and would love to know what it’s like before I go! Do you go often would be the second question!