welcome to the lost farm...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

things are really looking up..

zach at the nudie beach (Blooming Point). He buried himself in the sand. Well, mostly buried.

I'm really happy with where life is heading these days. I can honestly say I haven't been this happy in a long time. Lots of friends, love, and good times.
I found a new job, in record time i might add. It's kind of the best job ever. Bartending at my favorite bar, Baba's. It's like, if there were an awesome job to score in Charlottetown, this would be it. I'm really nervous, but excited as well. I start on Monday, and i really can't wait.
Also, Piston's getting his staples out on monday! Matt's taking him, since i have to work (which is very sweet of him, i might add). He's been healing up really well, and is eager to start getting back to normal. He's able to jump up on the couch now, lay on both of his sides, and we've even started taking short walks the past few days. Today, we tried going up the stairs. He had a few little slips going up, but he's great at going down. Once the staples come out, we'll try it again. But for now, it's better just to leave it be i think.
My friend Zach is visiting right now from Albany, NY. It's so great to see him. We've had a pretty busy weekend. Thursday was a potluck at janette and lonnies, friday was the nude beach with a bunch of folks (where i got possibly the worst sunburn of my life!), followed by some coincidental neighborhood park party directly behind our house (featuring a bouncy castle, and free hotdogs, icecream, and cookies!). Today we went to the Farmer's Market, then a few of us went bowling. I'm pretty wiped.
Everything is just sort of feeling on the right track these days. I'm pretty content. Life's totally good right now, and it's really refreshing.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

pistons amputation, the garden, and life.

my garden a few weeks ago
my garden when i planted it in may. pretty pathetic, eh?
pdid back at home after the surgery.
matt and piston. at the vets the day after surgery.
piston, when he still had his leg the day of the accident. driving from the vets to the vet college.
what a trooper.

It's been an absolutely insane month. I got laid off last week from my job at VanKampens (the greenhouse). Planting seasons over already. time is flying this summer. I wasn't too concerned at first, hoping i could just busk to pay rent, but then the ball dropped.
Piston got hit by a car on Sunday. Janette, Lonnie, me, and our three dogs had gone to the beach for the afternoon, and decided to stop at the Frosty Treat in Summerside on the way home for icecream. I had put piston in the back of Janette's truck with Osha and Skookum, but where we had parked was right across the street from A donut shop with a parking lots full of motorcycles. Piston hates motorcycles. while we were in line, he managed to break out of the back of the truck through a small window, and ran into the street, getting hit by a car. Luckily, he had mostly just hurt his left back leg. But, his ankle was fractured, with a compound fracture and was completely dislocated. He got transferred from the vet in town, to the vet college, to his vet in montague, and after some deliberating with the surgeons, we decided that it would be best to amputate the leg. Reconstructive surgery would be risky, and the recovery time would be four months at least. plus, he'd have bad arthritis, and there's a chance it wouldn't even work. He had his surgery on Tuesday, and he's doing really well. I'll post some photos below.
As well, he has a lump on his anus that i kinda thought was not so big of a deal, but apparently it has to be removed, and it could be cancer. they tried to remove it while he was under during his amputation, but ran out of time. So now, he needs a second surgery in a month where he'll have to be put under to get the lump removed. Hopefully it's not cancer. so much stress lately.
So, on top of losing my job, i had $2000 in vet bills , and another $500-$600 in a month for his second surgery to get the lump removed. It's been stressful, to say the least.
Other stuff: On a more positive note (and perfect timing i might add to be broke), my garden is really growing. lettuce is abundant, zucs are almost ready to be picked, and the rest of the plants are huge. So, at least i'll have something to eat while i'm broke.
I have been applying for a lot of jobs: mostly ones I would actually like, healthfood stores, and other hippie-type spots. I'm trying really really hard to to what i need to do to pay rent, and pay for surgery. I can only try my very best.