welcome to the lost farm...

Monday, July 26, 2010

lots of visitors!!
Its been so nice having reece and travis here for the past few weeks. Theyre the best houseguests ever!! It feels like a family. Dinner together every night. They pitch tons on food, clean up after themselves!! Oh, its how it should be...
Weve had lots of other visitors the past week too! Rodeo and lucky from calgary, byron and carina from montreal, and jonahs coming thiss weekend, as well as nolan and his friend. Its very bust, but nice. Been planting lots of perrenials around the house. Sage especially. I hope it takes over the yard.
This week we re getting our driveway done all proper like. Still dirt, but with a big turnaround at the end, which will be amazing. The after that, the well gets dug!
I laid the first stones in place today for the new extension also, which im soo excites about. Its going to be a slow build, moneys tight, but im hoping its done by the end of the summer.
Cud and i also got an old freezer from his boss this weekend that we re going to make into an in-ground root cellar. Reece has this great book on root cellars called "root cellaring: natural cold storage of fruits and vegetables". Its really helpful on learning how to have a nice steady flow of fresh veggies all year long.
Oh! Also, we got our real propane stove hooked up last week, and reece and i did some test baking in it! He made mango orange and fresh lavender cake. It was soo delicious!!

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