welcome to the lost farm...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Apparently it's 1AM. I never notice time at night anymore. I stay up late watching cheesy shows about losing weight or plastic surgery on my computer to keep me entertained. Cud says I should sleep more. He's probably right.
I've just spent the second night in a row thawing out my feet in the tub after work. My job, being a zamboni driver, has really taken a toll on my feet. I always got frostbite as a kid, but it wasn't until recently that it's really become a health concern. A few of my toes on my right foot have developed permanent purple bruise-like spots. My toes are constantly swollen, and even after I thaw them, they feel tingly and disconnected to the rest of me. Before work today I drove to town and bought -40 snow boots (2 sizes too big so there would be lots of room for socks). I wore extra wool socks, long johns, 3 sweaters, a hat and mittens all day at work, and I still got frostbite on my two most damaged toes. I think I'll go to the doctor on thursday and see if there's anything else I can do.
It's gotten to the point though that depending on what he says I may have to quit my job. My job is awesome, and it's frustrating to think that I might not be able to do it anymore. But, I also want to keep my toes, and I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the season (come March) I needed to get parts of them cut off. For real.
Cud says I need to take better care of myself. Work has kept me run off my feet for the past few months, so much so that I don't eat right and have lost even more weight. I replace food with a more convenient substitute: coffee. Both dehydrating, and bad for your circulation. It's no wonder I am where I am right now..

I'm hungry, but can't be bothered to eat. Perhaps I'll just wait til breakfast... or more realistically, lunch. Proof that I'm stubborn, I suppose.
Big day at work tomorrow. 11-11. Getting the ice ready for a big three day hockey tournament this weekend, where I'm sure I'll be working 15 hours a day. And getting even more frostbite.
Oh life.

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